Jesus last Statement


From Disbelief to Belief: The Powerful Words of Jesus Before His Ascension
Finding Peace, Purpose, and Fulfillment in the Teachings of Christ

Luke 24:36-49 Recounts the moments before Jesus ascended to heaven. He appeared before his eleven disciples, who were filled with disbelief, trust, and fear. Jesus greeted them with “Peace be with you” and proceeded to address their concerns.

“Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds?” Jesus asked, urging them to touch him to believe. He explained that ghosts do not have flesh or bones and showed them his hands and feet to prove that he was indeed alive. To further dispel their doubts, he even ate food in their presence.

Jesus then expanded on 3 things what was written about him in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and Psalms, explaining the spiritual significance of his life and teachings. He opened their minds to understand these things, confirming his role as the fulfilment of prophecy.

He also taught them about repentance and forgiveness, encouraging them to preach the good news to all nations. Lastly, he promised to send the Holy Spirit to empower them to carry out his mission.

From disbelief to belief and fulfilment, Jesus’ words left a profound final impact on his disciples. His message of peace, hope, and salvation continues to inspire and transform the lives of people today. As we reflect on these moments before his ascension, may we be filled with a renewed sense of faith and purpose, empowered by the Holy Spirit to carry out his mission in the world.