Noel Christopher. Books I have read since 1965
I love to study teachings of wisdom and reading to cultivate my own understanding of the physical world around us and the unseen realm of the spiritual world. Learning about human psychology always fascinated me since childhood helping my friends at the early age of 12 years old.
I have rated the books from 1 Star is bad to 5 Star best read. If you want to borrow any of my books, you are most welcome. Its been updated regularly

Trusting in God’s Grace by Derek Prince
Introduction vii
1. The Measure of Spiritual Strength
2. Denying Ourselves
3. The Spirit of Christ 9
4. Being Willing to Yield 17
5. “Take Now Thy Son…” .. 27
6. Except a Corn of Wheat… 40
7. Letting Go 49
About the Author 53
Books by Derek Prince 57
Derek Prince Ministries Offices Worldwide 63

Hope Beyond Grief by Derek Prince
Chapter 1 The Universal Appointment
In this booklet, we will be dealing with a theme that is of vital importance for every one of us – without a single exception. Our theme is Hope beyond grief.
Let me ask you a question before we even begin our discussion. Is there something in you that flinches just for a moment at the mention of the word “death?” Is your first reaction a strong desire to lay this book aside? If so, that reaction is a sure indication that what is written here is for you. We trust you with this message. will benefit greatly from..

The Divine Exchange by Derek Prince
Forgiveness and Healing
Scripture reveals many different aspects of the exchange and many different areas in which it applies. In each case, however, the same principle holds good: the evil came upon Jesus that the corresponding good might be offered to us.
The first two aspects of the exchange are revealed in Isaiah 53:4-5:
Surely He has borne our griefs [literally, sicknesses]
And carried our sorrows [literally, pains]; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted.
But He was wounded for our transgressions,

The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels
In December 1945 an Arab peasant made an astonishing archeological discovery in Upper Egypt. Rumors obscured the circumstances of this find-perhaps because the discovery was accidental, and its sale on the black market illegal. For years even the identity of the discoverer remained unknown. One rumor held that he was a blood avenger; another, that he had made the find near the town of Nag ‘Hammadi at the Jabal al-Tarif, a mountain honeycombed with more than 150 caves. Originally natural, some of these caves were cut and painted and used as grave sites as early as the sixth dynasty, some 4,300 years ago.
Thirty years later the discoverer himself, Muhammad ‘Ali al-Samman, told what happened. Shortly before he and his brothers avenged their father’s murder in a blood feud, they had saddled their camels and gone out to the Jabal to dig for sabakh, a soft soil they used to fertilize their crops. Digging around a massive boulder, they hit a red earthenware jar, almost a meter high. Muhammad ‘Ali hesitated to break the jar, considering that a jinn, or spirit, might live inside. But realizing that it might also contain gold, he raised his mattock, smashed the jar, and discovered inside thirteen papyrus books, bound in leather. Returning to his home in al-Qasr, Muḥammad ‘Ali

Bible Course by Derek Prince
Read these instructions before answering any questions.
This self-study course has four main aims:
1. To provide a foundation of Bible knowledge on which to build a strong Chris- tian life.
2. To give you practice in searching the Scriptures and finding God’s promises. 3. To train you in analyzing Scripture to find out for yourself its correct meaning. 4. To form in you the habit of accepting spiritual things only if they can be proven
in the Bible.
The translation of the Bible used throughout this course is the New King James Version. The wording in your version may be slightly different. However, the truths taught in this course are equally clear in any reliable version.
To find each book in the Bible and their abbreviated names, look on page 11. Pas- sages of Scripture are given as follows: first, the name of the book; second, the chapter; third, the verse. For example, Rom. 3:23 is Romans, chapter 3, verse 23.
A glossary is included at the back of the book (page 201). This gives a simple definition to some of the more difficult words you will encounter in this study. Look at the glossary when you do not know what a word means. Words included in the glossary have an asterisk (*) beside them.
At the start of each study, there is a paragraph headed “Introduction.” This gives a brief summary of the main teaching that follows. Always read through the introduction carefully before attempting to answer the questions.

Mahesh Chavda – Excellent read
For over thirty-five years, the Chavdas have been reaching the nations with the gospel accompanied by signs and wonders. Hundreds of thousands have come to salvation and thousands have received healing from critical diseases like AIDS and cancer through their ministry. Many of these miracles have been medically documented, including healings of Stage IV cancer, the lame, deaf, and blind as well as the resurrection from the dead of a six-year-old boy.
Rating 4 Star

The Unseen Realm – Excellent study read Michael S Heiser.
Short read about the book
He is an American biblical Old Testament scholar and Christian author with training in ancient history, Semitic languages, and the Hebrew Bible from the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Wisconsin–Madison
Watch his video. Dr Michael S. Heiser introduces his series on angels, the follow-up to the films The Unseen Realm and Demons.
Rating 5 Star

Understand-the-scriptures-vol1 211 pages
By Richard V Lambert MA (Oxon)
As long ago as the third-century people were starting to question the authorship of the biblical books. Where did all these writings come from? Who wrote them? When were they written, and why? Surely Moses could not have written about his own death? How could Daniel know the course of future Jewish history? Why does the Bible keep repeating the same stories in ways? Do the gospels give us eyewitness accounts of Jesus? And if so, how do we account for all the discrepancies? How seriously should we take all the tales of miraculous happenings when these things never seem to happen anymore? Are these writings really “the Word of God” as we have been led to believe?
It was questions such as these that started the long process of biblical inquiry. We can now see that the scriptures came to us through a long process of trial and error. And it is this process that forms the subject of these three books.
An unusual feature is that the Quran is set alongside the Bible so that the same process of development can be seen in both. We live in troubled times internationally, and the author hopes that this linkage between the two sacred scriptures might help to encourage more inclusive attitudes between the faith communities.
At the same time, we realise that the scriptures – the Quran just as much as the Bible are not merely a safety net for anxious believers. They throw out a prophetic challenge to our modern world and some of its more worrying developments. And it is here that we find the reconciliation between faith and reason that underpins everything in these books.
Richard Lambert is a theologian and biblical specialist with a background in teaching and the civil service. For many years he taught theology in a seminary in Ghana, West Africa, training young Africans for the ministry. He has long been worried by the mismatch between faith and modernity, where each goes its own way to their mutual disadvantage. He believes it is time to bring the two together before faith turns itself into a collection of isolated sects, and modernity finally surrenders to the forces of economic inequality and injustice.
Like to know what your Pastors learn in the Bible College? This will blow your mind!
Study manual Rate 3 Star

Understand-the-scriptures-vol2 230 pages
By Richard V Lambert MA (Oxon)

Understand-the-scriptures-vol3 pages 204
By Richard V Lambert MA (Oxon)
St Peters Church Bournemouth – Edition 2022
Bought it from there and cost £20

Jesus Interrupted by Bart D Ehrman
A Historical Assault on Faith
The Bible is the most widely purchased, extensively read, and deeply revered book in the history of Western Civilization. Arguably it is also the most thoroughly misunderstood, especially by the lay reading public.
Scholars of the Bible have made significant progress in under- standing the Bible over the past two hundred years, building on archaeological discoveries, advances in our knowledge of the ancient Hebrew and Greek languages in which the books of Scripture were originally written, and deep and penetrating historical, literary, and textual analyses. This is a massive scholarly endeavor. Thousands of scholars just in North America alone continue to do serious research in the field, and the results of their study are regularly and routinely taught, both to graduate students in universities and to prospective pastors attending seminaries in preparation for the ministry.
Yet such views of the Bible are virtually unknown among the population at large. In no small measure, this is because those of us who spend our professional lives studying the Bible have not done a good job communicating this knowledge to the general public and because many pastors who learned this material in seminary have, for an of reasons, not shared it with their parishioners once they take up positions in the church. (Churches, of course, are the most obvious place where the Bible is or, rather, ought to be taught and

God’s Chosen Fast
In a large city, I enquired of all the Christian literature bookshops for some publications on the subject of fasting. They could not suggest a single title. A few days afterward in a Health Food Store in the same city I picked up a book on health I soon discovered that there was far more being written on the physical aspect of this subject by food reformists, than on the spiritual aspect by Christian KOwriters. Later I was thankful to come across Gordon Cove’s book, Revival Now through Prayer and Fasting, and a booklet by David Smith, Some Light on Fasting, containing helpful teach- ing and wise counsel. Apart from two or three American publications there appeared to be nothing else in print.
Having proved the great value and blessing of fasting over many years, I was concerned that so many earnest believers had apparently never given the subject any serious thought. This concern became a constraint to share with those who hunger for God’s best, what the Bible has to say about this spiritual exercise. My aim has been to furnish a handbook that would not only deal with all the main passages in the Scripture that touch on the subject, including a biblical index. but to deal as fully as possible with the practical issues involved.
In the section of the book dealing with the physical and practical side, more space has been given to the longer fast, as it is here that a proper understanding of the physical aspect is so important. This should not lead the reader to suppose that everyone is called to undertake lengthy fasts, or that the shorter fast is of comparatively little value. This is by no means the case. Nevertheless, it is helpful for those who practice only the briefest fasting to understand the body’s behavior in the longer fast.
Of course, the discussion of this physical side is the province of the physician, rather than of the Bible student. Here…

Billy Graham The Journey
Even the most ordinary events being part of His plan. He also wants to guide us as we make decisions and give us hope for the future. Most of all, He wants to join us on our life’s journey.
What Kind of Journey?
Life is a journey-but what kind has it been so far for you? Perhaps your journey has been marked by disappointment, sor-
row, and heartache. You yearn for something different, something better in life-but lasting happiness and peace has eluded you. Or perhaps you decided years ago to spend your life pursuing excitement, pleasure, fame, or success. For a time those may have satisfied you-but eventually (if you’re honest) you discovered they led only to boredom, disillusionment, emptiness, or even self-destruction.
Or you may have found yourself overwhelmed by crushing problems beyond your control: sickness, financial pressures, broken relationships, fear, guilt, loneliness, and despair. Life for you has become a hopeless burden with no end in sight. Or perhaps you are one of those whose journey has been relatively free from problems yet aimless and empty, without any real purpose or direction. You may even believe in God and consider yourself a sincere Christian, and still, you’re discouraged and confused, overwhelmed by circumstances you don’t understand and don’t know how to escape. Tragically, every year thousands decide they can’t bear life any longer and decide to end it. You may even have been tempted to follow them.
The words of Job in the Old Testament are just as true today as when they were written thousands of years ago: “Man is born to trouble as surely as sparks fly upward” (Job 5:7). Job knew it from personal experience, and so do we. …

Rich Dad Poor Dad
By Robert T Kiyosaki
How does a person say ‘thank you’ when there are so many people to thank? Obviously, this book is a thank you to my two fathers who were powerful role models, and to my mom who taught me love and kindness.
Yet, the people most directly responsible for this book becoming a reality include my wife Kim who makes my life complete. Kim is my partner in marriage, business, and in life. Without her, I would be lost. To Kim’s parents, Winnie and Bill Meyer for raising such a great daughter. I thank Sharon Lechter for picking up the pieces of this book on my computer and putting them together. To Sharon’s husband Mike for being a great intellectual property attorney, and their children Phillip, Shelly, and Rick for their participation and cooperation. I thank Keith Cunningham for financial wisdom and inspiration; Larry and Lisa Clark for the gift of friendship and encouragement; Rolf Parta for technical genius; Anne Nevin, Bobbi DePorter and Joe Chapon for insights into learning; DC and John Harrison, Jannie Tay, Sandy Khoo, Richard and Veronica Tan, Peter Johnston and Suzi Dafnis, Jacqueline Seow, Nyhl Henson, Michael and Monette Hamlin, Edwin and Camilla Khoo, K.C. See and Jessica See, for professional support; Kevin and Sara of InSync for brilliant graphics; John and Shari Burley, Bill and Cindy Shopoff, Van Tharp, Diane Kennedy, C.W. Allen, Marilu Deignan, Kim Arries, and Tom Weisenborn, for their financial intelligence. Sam Georges, Anthony Robbins, Enid Vien, Lawrence and Jayne Taylor-West, Alan Wright, Zig Ziglar, for mental clarity; J. W. Wilson, Marty Weber, Randy Craft, Don

Tell Them I Love Them
Joyce Meyer
I believe that what people need more than anything is a personal revelation of God’s love for them as indi- viduals. I believe this understanding to be the foun- dation upon which victorious living as a Christian must stand. We do not need “head knowledge” con- cerning God’s love; we need a revelation of His love in our hearts. Only the Holy Spirit can give this, and He will do so as we meditate upon the love of God, observe the love of God in our own lives, and seek that revelation through the written Word of God and
through prayer. Accepting that God loves the whole world enough to send Jesus to die for everyone’s sins is fairly easy

THE STORY OF THE BIBLE is also the story of the ancient Near East, the home of the first urban civilizations, and the scene of the clashes between the great empires of Egypt, the Hittites. Assyria and Babylon. Palestine, situated on a strategic crossing between these empires, was at the center of their violent struggles, yet it was the land that gave birth to two major religions.
THE TIMES ATLAS OF THE BIBLE covers the entire time span from the earliest evidence of mankind in Palestine, to the establishment of the kingdoms of Judah and Israel, the Jewish revolts against the Romans, and the rise of the Christian Church.
The Atlas is edited by Professor James B. Pritchard, one of the most distinguished archaeologists and historians of religion. An international team of fifty archaeologists, linguists, historians, and theologians have also contributed, giving this book a unique authority.
The Atlas includes, among many other features, a vivid map of the possible routes of the Exodus, dramatic battle maps of the Israelite’s wars with surrounding tribes, and a magnificent reconstruction of Jerusalem as Jesus knew it. The exhaustive place-name index gives not only biblical and extra-biblical names with their equivalents in other languages, but also their exact location on the Palestine grid.
THE TIMES ATLAS OF THE BIBLE, with the aid of over 600 magnificent color maps and illustrations and 150,000 words of authoritative text, sets the Bible in its full context for the first time and succeeds in conveying an almost tangible sense of the land, events, and people portrayed in the world’s most famous book.
Rating 5 Star